Toilet paper art is a fantastic hobby during quarantine. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. For the sake of your mental health do whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you laugh. It’s important to lift your spirits in time of isolation. If you are bored, be creative and show your artistic side. It is crucial we have always something to do. Be it cooking, reading a book, or making jokes it’s important to occupy ourselves with something.
A girl from Illinois showed her artistic side. She posted on Facebook photos of her new hobby, toilet paper art. That is definitely a cute way to use your quarantine time.
I love when humor and imagination come out at this time. We have to thank her for making us laugh. Hope that the sense of humor lingers on.
Toilet Paper Art – Now we know who has all the toilet paper!
Smoking Toilet

Silly Toilet

Romantic Toilet

Vacationing Toilet

Alcoholic Toilet

Cold Toilet

Chef Toilet

Stoned Toilet