For those of you who believe in the zodiac alignment, sun sign and horoscope in general, should not come as a surprise that even our behavior at a party is defined by the stars.

Let’s find out which of the signs are zodiac biggest party animals!


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Aries is known for having an outgoing and friendly appearance. Therefore, they would probably be intoxicated at a party while bouncing from person to person, and making sure everyone else is enjoying themselves as much as they do. In case the party moves to a quieter mode, you can count on the Aries to buy you enough shots until everything is back on track. If you are ever in a bad mood, Aries is definitely the person that will cheer you up.


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Taurus signs are known for their loyalty. So you can be sure whatever happens at the party, they will never leave your side. If you need a dedicated wingman for the night, this is the friend you should be calling. But be careful, they always come with a warning. When they enjoy themselves a little bit too much their stubbornness emerges. If they don’t like your plan for the night, they will turn to alcohol for sure. Taurus is the worst person to get into a drunken fight with, as they are so temperamental by nature.


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Twins are known for their multiple personalities. So, when having a party with a Gemini be prepared for all kinds of situations. You’re out and about drinking, but the Gemini demeanor can change at the drop of a hat. Geminis are known as indecisive people, so you better have a plan B. Prepare yourself to go on several parties at one single night, because they cannot stand to be in one place for too long.


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Cancer people should not go on parties at all. They are emotional waste cases. The people that can start crying when things are not going as planned. Cancers display a wide range of emotions in any situation. One moment they’ll be having the time of their lives, and the next they are screaming and crying at everyone around them.


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Having a party with a Leo?! Make sure the liquor is out and flowing, because they will not stop drinking and partying. Leos are known as people who never hold back their opinions. They will tell you exactly what they mean, so don’t fight with Leos while they’re intoxicated. They are leaders and they are always right!


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We all know that Virgos are perfectionists. You’ll find them at the end of the bar, alone, sipping wine after a rough day at the office. They are not really the perfect partners for drinking. They tend to keep more to themselves. Virgos are very careful when it comes to choosing a good company for a party. They are neat freaks, so they will go out only in exceptional establishments. If you are looking for a classy night out in the town with an amazing wine selection, then Virgo is your choice.


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Here comes the sign that you’ll always want to party with –Libras. They are always happy and enjoy life to the fullest. Types of people who want everyone else to have fun as well. They are level-headed and practical, which is a great quality to have when getting drunk. When your two friends get in a fight, you can always count on a Libra to handle the situation the right way.


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Give a Scorpio a bottle of tequila and watch what happens next. Scorpios are not the shy ones, so prepare yourself for honest opinions. They are the loyal people who will drink with you and stick with you throughout any given situation. Scorpios tend to hide their emotions. So, don’t worry –  they will never get drunk and end up crying in the middle of the bar.


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Sagittarius is known for having quite a sharp tongue.They will show their true face when alcohol is involved, so you’d better be careful what you say around these people. As they drink throughout the night, they’ll become master flirts at the party.


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Capricorns are best at parties; they can adapt to whichever situation they are thrown into. This is your carefree friend who just wants to have fun and don’t care about the place, people or anything at all. The only thing they think about is getting drunk and having the best time ever.


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Another sign that comes with a warning. At first everything may look ok, but the next moment things can get heated fast between the two of you. People of this sign have changing personalities, making it a bit of a problem when drinking with them.


Find out which of the signs are zodiac biggest party animals.Source

Pisces like Cancers can display numerous emotions at the same time. Getting intoxicated with them can be an interesting experience. They also have mood swings, so having that one extra shot can really throw them over the edge.

About Anna

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