Before starting a full-time career after your graduation, you should definitely consider taking off. Stepping out of school right into your first serious job is not really a good idea. Give yourself a break from all the obligations you had in college. It’s the perfect time to explore the world and travel worldwide. Use your freedom and embark on a new adventure. Be it partying, traveling cross country or across the pond travel, vacation looms large on the horizon.
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Here’s the list of 7 best post graduation destinations.
1. Backpack through Brazil
From exploring thick Amazon rain forests to nude sunbathing in Praia Mole in Florianopolis, there are plenty of things to see in Brazil. Let’s not forget the awe-inspiring beauty of Iguazu Falls. And of course, one of the most beautiful panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro from the Sugarloaf Mountain.
2. Canadian Wilderness
Wanna get away from the hustle and bustle of the city? Canadian wilderness of the Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is the perfect place to go. There are more than 1,900 campsites set along the shore. The best way to explore the pristine backcountry of the area is to use a canoe. It will be one of the best trips of your life.
3. Travel to Europe
Pick one of the most stylish European cities, such as Paris, Barcelona, London, Budapest or Prague. They are all rich in history and tradition. If you are not much into “getting to know with the culture” thing, you can choose one of many popular clubs to party. Maybe, you will end up with the worst hangover in your life, but you will definitely have a blast.
4. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
Celebrate your freedom in Las Vegas. It’s absolutely up to you how you will spend some of the graduation money. The city never sleeps, so you will never be bored. There are more things to do in Las Vegas than you can possibly imagine. Just be careful, you don’t want to spend all your money!
5. Magnetic island, Australia
If you enjoy water sports, or anything related to water like snorkeling or diving, then make your way to Magnetic Island. It is situated in the lower part of the Great Barrier Reef, UNESCO World Heritage Site. You will get the opportunity to swim with some of the most colorful fish and corals in the world. You can also take a hike in the Forts Walk and enjoy breathtaking nature along the way. Don’t forget to look for koalas. They can be easily spotted among the eucalyptus trees.
6. Cruise the Caribbean
There’s nothing more adventurous than grabbing a few friends and going on a cruise. We suggest you to pick the Caribbeans, one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Places such as Aruba, Barbados, St. Thomas, Antigua and St. Lucia are definitely must-see places.
7. Thailand
Thailand is a great place to relax after your finals. Here you can wade through crystal clear waters while living on few dollars a day. If you are a foodie, you’ll eat like a king here. And, if you love to party, then time your trip to one of the legendary Full Moon parties in Thailand.
And if these are still out of your budget, just gather with your friends at a campground that’s suitably far from home. You’d be surprised how great you’d feel after a little getaway.