It is hard to believe that human body can be perfectly blended into scenic landscapes. These stunning body paint pictures take art on a whole new level.

The pictures may look fake to you, but they are 100 % real. Artist Natalie Fletcher has done such a great job painting the bodies without using Photoshop.

It’s quite interesting how her journey as a body painter started. She needed a job desperately. The she saw, by chance, an ad in the papers for a body painter. With no experience and no portfolio, she quickly painted 4 bodies including her own. She ended up getting a job and has been painting since.

Her work of camouflaging models into the scenic background is incredible. Be it a tree, a bridge, a stream or a mountain range, Natalie shows her remarkable skills in merging people into the wild outdoors.

She also creates cool optical illusion body paintings, without any digital enhancement and using only her paintbrush. Recently, Natalie has begun her new project “100 Bodies Across America”. She plans to create 2 body paintings in each state of America.

We really like what you are doing Natalie, so keep up the good work! You can see more of Fletcher’s work on her website, Facebook page or Tumblr.


Natalie Fletcher creates amazing body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the most amazing body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint pictures.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

You can see more of Fletcher’s work on her websiteFacebook page or Tumblr.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

Natalie Fletcher creates some of the best body paint photos.

About Tina

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